You are not crazy!!!

Do you have things that go bump in the night? Are you absolutely sure it isn’t animals making those strange noises? Had clergy out and things just got worse? Are you afraid to tell people because you know they won’t believe you and will call you crazy? Do you feel crazy?

Trust me. We believe you! We have heard and helped with all manor of weird situations from ghosts and unruly fairies to demonic and negative alien encounters. We’ve heard it all and have successfully helped hundreds of people over the last 12 years.

In Georgia we have Glenda, Stacy, and Alka who are experts in clearing. Glenda is the queen of weird and difficult clearings having successfully cleared people and places that were deemed impossible and hopeless to clear. We can come on site with one or more of us as well as remote clearing which Glenda is an expert in. We cover all of Georgia and will go to any other state.

Please schedule a free consultation to get started. Prices are all inclusive and final. We will not charge extra once onsite and we guarantee our work. If you wish to have multiple of us on site please get with Glenda for a free consultation.

Susie covers the Michigan branch that covers Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Big Rapids. Please send Susie an email to arrange a free consultation by clicking the button below.