September 2022

The Divine Path LLC

Exciting information to begin your September the right way.

We are a group of like minded individuals with a passion for helping others recover from trauma and reach their fullest potential. We each have our own specialties and passions geared to efficiently helping you release trauma, fears, blocks, and other issues. Founded by Glenda Emory and Stacy Preece the team has a combined 50 years of experience helping others find peace and learning to walk the spiritual path.

We created this group to help provide a safe and secure space where help is given in a non judgmental way by individuals who are the real deal and ethical. Each person on this team is vetted so you know you will not be wasting time and money trying to get help.

When I, Glenda Emory, first began awakening and walking the spiritual path I ran into a lot of individuals who made grand promises to help me learn, grow, and especially, heal my severe childhood traumas that were still controlling my life. Unfortunately, I wasted a lot of time and money before I found people who actually could and did help me. The difference was profound. I didn’t want others to have to blindly feel around in an unfamiliar world searching for the right person.

In this newsletter we will be sharing helpful articles, tips, tricks, recopies, and all around helpful information that will help in your day to day lives. We appreciate you being here and allowing us to share what we are passionate about.


Glenda Emory

Surviving Mercury Retrograde 2022

The planet Mercury goes retrograde (looks like it spins backwards) 3 times a year bringing with it a lot of chaotic energy and experiences. We will begin to feel the effects in the weeks before the planet goes full retrograde which is September 9th through October 10. You will feel effects mildly the week or so before and after.

Mercury retrograde is often blamed for many different things going wrong during the time that the planet Mercury is in its retrograde phase. In actuality, while yes some things do go wrong during Mercury retrograde, it is actually a chance to redo, revisit, and basically reevaluate what has been going on in your life. This is a time when people from the past can pop back up to say hello or to give you a chance to re-evaluate how things ended and why you don't have them in your life anymore.

There can be a lot of stress and anxiety around Mercury retrograde. There definitely can be electronic malfunctions and communication issues during this period. Here are some ways that you can survive Mercury retrograde and come out the other side feeling better instead of feeling like you've just been through the grinder.

Take time to meditate. Slow down a little. Be aware of what's going on around you. Be mindful. Self-care is incredibly important. Whatever that means for, you do it. If that means spending more time alone, do it. If that means going and seeing healer to have more balance in your energy then do it. Do what feels best for you. Plan on getting more rest. Don't over schedule yourself. Give yourself extra time to get anywhere. Delays and distraction are very common.

Ground like you have never grounded before. Ground from your root chakra which is between your legs. Grounding should be as wide as your hips or wider and drive the grounding roots to the center of the Earth to anchor yourself. If you have a hard time grounding go outside barefoot or sit in the grass for 5 to 20 minutes. Eat clean and drink a lot of water. Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. I do not count CBD in this as it is incredibly beneficial to the brain and body. I also do not count medicinal marijuana use. Typically with medicinal use the intent is not to get high and escape, but to have less pain or anxiety. The point of avoiding substances that allow us to escape is so that we are present in the moment and aware of what is going on around us.

Clear your energy every single day. Salt baths are incredibly useful for this as well as being very relaxing. A half a cup of sea salt and a pound of Epsom salt will do wonders for your body. Do what you can to raise your vibration. Sing, dance, laugh, do things that bring you Joy. Listen to frequency music, especially the 432 Hertz frequency.

Stay away from people who drain your energy and you know are incredibly negative in their thinking and behavior. Having a hard time? Schedule a session with me.


Glenda Emory

Why self love is so important for the wellbeing of your whole body.

Hi friends, I am so happy you’re here! Today I want to chat about all things self love and why it is so important for you you to fully thrive in your mind, body and soul!

The truth is self love goes so much deeper than just telling your body you love it. You can show your beautiful self love by the way you eat and nourish your body, how you speak to yourself every single day, how you move your body, how you take care of your body, and so much more.

Even the little things like brushing your teeth and setting aside time for yourself to fill your cup up each day is a form of self love.

Self love is truly such a powerful and incredibly important component when you want to thrive in your mindset, nutrition, movement and you're over all wellbeing because it truly sets the foundation on how you’re going to show up for yourself every single day.

Which is why when I work and guide women through improving the wellness of their whole body this is a key factor we touch on.

So because of that, I wanted to give you some ways on how to improve your self love practices.

Go outside and get some fresh air

Do a form of movement that you truly enjoy, this can be anything running, yoga, stretching, walking, strength training. Whatever makes your heart and soul happy

Love on your skin with a skincare routine or facial

Take a bath

Get a massage

Make some yummy whole foods that will truly nourish your body

Get enough rest, 7-9 hours of sleep is best

Drink your water friend


Anything that allows you to thrive and feel good for your mind, body and soul can be a form of self love friends!

So take this as your loving reminder to love on yourself today in a way that feels good for you!

Keep blooming




Thanks so much for all you do!! please just let me know if you need something new from me!!

Keep Blooming,

Madison Loughmiller

Food and your spiritual journey.

The food and habits you entangle with affect your physical energetic make up and you spiritual progression. It is difficult to try to ascend in the spiritual path while neglecting the fact that you have a beautiful physical body that is housing your light and your soul. To be spiritual means to honor, nourish, and nurture all parts of self, including your body. As you tend to this garden in which you dwell in, you are planting seeds of love that will grow into all of the miracles, magic, and abundance you wish to receive. How can you help your body feel at its best?

Eat living foods that make you vibrant and help you thrive on a daily basis. This will look different for everyone so the key here is to tune out what others say and intuitively tune in to what you body is asking for. Maybe it is more rest, maybe it’s more nutrients, maybe it’s less stress. How can you mind feel more calm? Listen to soothing music, watch and read things that enhance your well-being, surround yourself with those who life you up, say yes to less, create boundaries, and honor your body when it asks for rest. Whichever you are being called to integrate and incorporate, do so because it will allow you to feel even more connected with yourself and the divine. When you take time to breath, sit, reflect, eat, hydrate, appreciate, you are more connected with all things, include oneself.


Emily Mearns


There are many different divination tools people use to receive answers from Spirit. A pendulum is just one of the many that we will discuss today. What is a pendulum? A pendulum is a body suspended from a fixed point so that it can swing back and forth under the influence of gravity (according to encyclopedia Brittanica).

This can be a ring and a strand of your hair, a crystal and chain, a wooden or metal washer and string. Pendulums can be used beyond the “tarot” type questions. They can be use as dowsing rods to find blockages with chakras or used with maps for locations. For this article I will focus on divination, tarot type questions.

How does a pendulum work? It works by the surrounding energy manipulating its movement. That energy can be spiritually connected, magnetically or by humans. You will usually hold one end of a string (or chain) and let the weighted end move. Some pendulums are held in place by a stand of sorts but most pendulum use is done by holding your hand still and letting the energies around move it in certain directions.

There are several different movements a pendulum can make. It can swing in a straight line back and forth or side to side. It can swing in a circle motion clock wise or counter clockwise. It could just stay still. How do you know what each of them mean? You can either ask or assign a motion. It’s a personal preference choice on which method to use. If you let your pendulum decide for you, ask your pendulum to show you what yes and looks like. I personally ask for a straight and circular for each yes and no. You would do this each time you start your pendulum session. If you choose to assign a set motion for yes and no you have to program your pendulum the first time you use it. If your pendulum stands still is a refusal to answer your question or “ask again later”.

Selecting your pendulum can be very personal. I think of wand selection from Harry Potter. It chooses you more than you choose it. Spirit leads us all to different points in our lives and if you are thinking about pendulums or are seeing them around you more often, that may be the first sign to get one. It doesn’t have to be this ultra expensive purchase either. I remember my first pendulum was a ring and string of hair. We use these two to predict what gender s baby was or how many kids we were going to have. Are you crafty? You can use a metal or wooden washer you have on hand and whatever cord, yarn or string that is available. If you are wanting to buy a metal or crystal pendulum at a shop you would first look at the options available. If you are physically drawn to any one hold it in your hand. Much like picking a crystal for your own use, you will feel an energetic connection with your pendulum. Once you have one or two you like ask each pendulum if they want to work with you. Sometimes you may hear it telepathically and sometimes you have to try it to see if it’s moves in your hand.

Does the crystal matter much with your pendulum? Yes. It does. A rose quartz will have a softer energy and might match your mood of that day or work better for lighter questions or romantic ones. A carnelian is more fiery and can handle harder questions where as an obsidian is heavier and can handle a wider range of questions and energies. Keep each crystal’s or mineral’s healing and protective powers in mind when you are selecting it. I had a beautiful rose quartz pendulum and used it on my friend who was in an abusive situation. The partner’s energy was so negative it broke my pendulum. I would have used a different one had I been more versed in pendulum work.

Once you purchase your pendulum what do you do next? You should clear it. You can do this by setting in salt (if it won’t ruin it), setting in the sun for at least 30 minutes, putting selenite on it, or “smudging” it with your choice of burn clearing. After it has been clear I would wear it for some time. If you wear a bra, put it in there. You can put in your pocket or just hold in your hand if the bra method isn’t viable. Wear/hold it long enough for your energies to bind.

After the intentions have been set for answers and you’re about to use your pendulum, you should ground yourself, ask for assistance from your spirit team and for protection as well. I will sometimes ask the pendulum if I ask a certain type of question if it will answer truthfully. It typically does but if you have asked the same question over and over again it can give you misleading answers because of your lack of faith. Sometimes if there is something spirit doesn’t want you to know yet, it will give wrong answers. I find this a lot when I ask about timing regarding a certain topic.

Some people use pendulum boards for answers. These are usually drawn on paper in a circular pattern. Some have letters from the alphabet or numbers or other answers. You can make your own or buy pre-made ones. This again is personal preference. If you choose to use one of these boards set your intentions on the way your pendulum answers.

When you are done with your pendulum session you should always thank it for working with you. Thank your spirit team as well and close your session. This shows respect to all the energies working with you and closes the connection with spirit and the other person, if you are asking on behalf of someone. Keep your pendulum stored in a place where it won’t break and is safe.

Pendulums are a great tool to use on their own or along side other divination tools. They doesn’t take up much space and you don’t have to have too much extra knowledge when using these. This is a good tool for beginners and will help build your intuition and connection with Spirit. The next time you feel the urge to look into pendulums, remember what has been shared and take your next step in your journey with a pendulum in confidence.

Happy Exploring,

Susie Rodriquez

Check out this juicy Isis Pleasure Activation with the lovely Melissa Bates on our Instagram.

Pleasure is our birthright as spirits having a human experience. How often do you slow down and just take pleasure in the experiences you are having? Do you just rush though one experience after another? Always just trying to get from point A to point B?

Here are some tips to have more pleasure in your life.

* Slow down and savor the moment.

* Eat with all your senses.

* Don't just slap lotion on after your shower. Feel the silkiness of the lotion against your skin.

What other ways can you find pleasure in the everyday experiences?

PALEO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES By team member Madison Loughmiller ❋ ❋ ❋


If you’ve been following me, Madison, for awhile you know that these chocolate chip cookies are one of my favorite recipe especiallyyyy with the holidays approaching!

I found this recipe awhile ago from @ariellelorre && I absolutely loveee them bc not only do they taste ah-maxing butttt they are free of ↓

↠↠ gluten

↠↠ dairy

↠↠ eggs

↠↠ refined sugar

↠↠ artificial sugar

↠↠ peanuts

↠↠ soy

↠↠ corn

After making them so many times I have personally made a few tweaks to the recipe && they are delicious babes!! + they are super easy to make!! All you need is ↓↓


- 3 cups Almond Flour

- 1/4 cup Coconut Sugar

- 1/2 tsp Baking Powder

- 1/3 cup Maple Syrup

- 1 cup Almond Butter

- 1 tbsp Apple Sauce

- 1 tsp Vanilla

- 1/2-2/3 cup(ish) @hukitchen Chocolate Gems


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

3. Mix all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl.

4. Chop the hu chocolate gems into smaller pieces.

5. Gently mix in hu chocolate gems && leave a small bit of gems to the side for later.

6. Roll into about 8-10 cookie balls, flatten them && place them on the baking sheet.

7. Place the cookies in the oven && bake for about 10 minutes.

8. Sprinkle left over hu chocolate gems on top && bake for about 60-90 seconds.

9. Remove from the oven, let cool.

— && enjoy!! ✺✺

Seriously babes — you will want to try this recipe ESPECIALLY with the holidays coming up so soon!! ≫≫ I hope you enjoy them && be sure to tag me // let me know if you give them a try!! ✽ ✽


Be well + bloom - Madison Loughmiller Health and Wellness Coach

Upcoming Classes and Events

Breaking the cycle of codependency 5 week workshop with Glenda Emory Begins September 29th meeting every two weeks on Thursdays at 7:30 PM Check the website for further details.

Coming soon Crystal Crystal Classes with Alka and Glenda.

Just in time for spooky season Clearing for beginners as well as an Advanced Certification class.

Classes held in person at The Well Of Roswell

As cooler temperatures are upon us we kick off the time of year that paranormal activity escalates due to the energy being easier for the dead and other spirits to use to stay on this plane of existence. Paranormal activity is the cause of a lot of fear for many which can just attract more of what they fear.

Here are some techniques to keep your home clear of unwanted energies. .

Use ground cedar, frankincense, and benzoin resin on hot charcoal to clear your space.

Seal the outside of the home with boarder salt. Place some in the corners of the room, in the windows, and across the threshold to each door.

Boarder Salt Recipe (A very powerful blend for extreme situations)

Blend together:

Sea salt

Frankincense powder

Myrrh powder

Cayenne pepper

Sandalwood powder

Ground coffee

Ground egg shells

Brick dust (optional, but keeps out enemies)

Ground Mullein Leaf (optional substitution for graveyard dirt if you have a real problem with dead people coming into the house)

Spread a small amount around the house after clearing. Place a small dish of it under beds. This mixture can be placed across thresholds and windowsills. Renew monthly.

Raise your vibration and that of your home. See the article on raising your vibration. Glenda

Spooky Pumpkin photo curtesy of Brian Wegman

How to choose a tarot deck

Welcome to the wonderful world of tarot! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned reader we all need to acquire a new deck at some point in time. With so many options out there this task can be very daunting.

Selecting a deck is as unique and individual to every person. There are various why it was chosen. Sometimes it can be as simple as a gift given to us.

I think back and try to remember how I acquired each particular deck. Some I saw on social media, some I saw in the store, one deck was actually given to me. All were placed before me in a divinely manner.

If you are looking to purchase a new deck there are a few things to consider.

Oracle vs traditional tarot? Oracle decks do not follow the 78 card structure of a traditional deck. Oracles tend to be more advice or divine guidance and can vary in card amounts. Traditional tarot will have the major and minor arcana.

What do I want to use the deck for? What you want to achieve with your deck will factor in what type of deck you choose. Are you wanting to do strictly love readings? Then choose a deck tailored to love readings. If you want something for general readings then a traditional “Ryder Waite”-ish deck may be more suitable. Want to give guidance or advice an oracle deck will best achieve this.

What is your personality? Your personality will mesh with certain decks better. If you are a soft ethereal person choose a deck who’s theme is soft in graphics and ethereal looking. If your darker in energy then choose a deck with darker, stronger graphics. If your eccentric then chose a deck that’s more abstract.

Does it call out to you? Ultimately it boils down to chemistry. Are you physically drawn to a particular deck? Does the imagery “sing” to you? Can you tell what it’s trying to say without looking up the meanings?

What is the cost? Often times finances come into play on what we choose. There are inexpensive decks for $4 and higher priced decks for over $150. Choose what you can afford. If it’s out of your price range I’d suggest practicing your manifesting powers on obtaining the deck in desire. Let’s make this very clear. Cost of a deck does not affect the accuracy of a reading. What you are paying for is the artwork and materials. A simple deck of cards or index cards can do the same work as a higher priced deck.

Does size matter? Decks come in all shapes and sizes and so do people’s hands. If you have smaller hands then the larger decks might be more difficult for you to handle. While the extra small cards may be harder for larger hands to shuffle. How do you plan on shuffling the deck? Special shapes might work better with spreading them all out vs a traditional shuffle.

What are they made of? Sometimes you are lucky enough to see a deck outside of its packaging (some shops will let you see others may not). Is the paper being used a good quality? Is it thick or thin? Is there a coating? How do they lay or shuffle due to or lack of coating? If you plan on using a deck a lot try to find decks that have a coating on them to the consistency of playing cards. A deck with thin paper and uncoated will be hard to shuffle and won’t hold up as long as others.

Where will you keep your deck(s)? This may not be an issue for some people but others it can be. If you’re on the go a lot will the deck or decks fit in your bag? Are they heavy? Are you storing them in containers? Will they fit? How about shelving, are there any restrictions on height, length, and widths?

As you can see, there is a good amount to consider when getting a deck. I hope this helps you the next time you’re thinking about purchasing a new deck. When in doubt, just ask Spirit for guidance.

Susie Rodriquez


The word vibration is used a lot in the metaphysical/spiritual community. It simply means the frequency at which you are resonating to. Most things in our world have a fixed vibration. The chair you are sitting in doesn’t change vibration just because you sit in it. Animals that feel and express emotion will fluctuate a little based on their current emotions, but they are not capable of raising and lowing to the vast degree that humans can. We can vibrate really low and really high based on our mindfulness, thoughts, environment, and energy hygiene.

Things that lower your vibration.

Excessive alcohol consumption

Consuming process food


Repetitive negative thoughts

Negative self-talk


Fighting and yelling

Recreational drug use

Prescription drugs (do not come off prescriptions without consulting a physician)


Preserves and dyes


Ways to raise your vibration.

Find something of beauty and just appreciate it. It can be a flower growing from a crack in the sidewalk. It can be the beauty of your loved ones eyes. It can be your child’s smile, or a newly organized shelf of books. Just one thing. That’s all you need.

Make a list of all that you are grateful for. The reason gratitude journals and thankfulness lists work is because, just like cognitive behavioral training, you can make neuro-pharmacological and neuro-biological changes with a shift in your focus on gratitude. Start with a few things: I can take a breath. I am here, now. I have at least one friend. I am able to change myself with my own will. Then expand to make your list your own.

Meditate. Think of nothing. This is more than likely a more neutral and therefore more positive place to take your vibration. (Before meditating make sure you clear your space and call on protection to make sure you stay safe.)

Do something for someone else. Giving to someone else shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough, to I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance is a high vibration.

Change your DNA. It has a vibration too. There are sound frequencies which when listened to frequently, shift your vibration with 528 hz. There are recordings all over the internet. Search Youtube for Theta Healing Meditation. The description is (Powerful Healing Theta Meditation ~ 528Hz Transformation Miracles and DNA Repair)

Listen to music you love. Music shifts your frequency by making you happy.

Stop complaining and gossiping. Are the things you are talking about bringing you more of what you want? Stop complaining, and start finding ways to rejoice. Look at what you have and point out something good that you already have every day.

Move. Exercise. Get active. Dance! Not only does movement change your perspective, it also creates endorphins which help you to feel happy. The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency.

Listen to the ancient chants from Buddhist, Gregorian monks, or even Sanskrit Mantra Chanting. They are designed to shift your frequency.

Not sure where you are vibrating? Just check in. How do you feel right now? Just observe it and then you can change it. Perception starts with awareness.

Do mental reps. Say to yourself 100 times a day. I am happy or I am prosperous, or I am unafraid of change. You may not believe it yet, but with practice you will. Your 100 repetitions could just be, I can change my mind.

Do Yoga, Reiki, or Qigong or another of the martial arts. All these practices aim at shifting your mental vibration and raising your Qi.

Realize that you have more control over your life than you thought. You are not a victim to circumstance, past, family upbringing, trauma, or anything else. You can change your life in an instant. Just realize this. In many wisdom traditions this is called “total responsibility.” No one is responsible for how you feel right now but you. It isn’t a curse. It’s a blessing because it gives you your power back.

Breathe. Just sit and try to make your breath longer, fuller, and more relaxed. It has a direct effect on your nervous system and helps to calm you down. A calm vibration is a high vibration.

Drink energy charged water. Dr. Masaru Emoto made this practice mainstream with his pictures in Messages from water. But it is also a practice from Chinese healers from ancient lineages. You can hold your water with the thumbs and middle fingers touching on either side of the bottle (heart Mudra) and send the water love. Then drink it. You can also write the words on the bottle before you drink.

Practice Mudra. Mudras are ancient hand gestures that redirect energy, or prana, back into the body in much the same way that light is refracted/reflected from a cliff face or glacial wall. By learning specific ways in which to hold your fingers, you can direct positive energy into your body.

Jump up and down. It is said that the simple action of jumping excites the cells in the body and makes them healthier. Have some fun on a trampoline.

Practice Ho’oponopono. The ancient Hawaiians believed that sadness, depression and dis-ease only occurred when we perceived ourselves as separate from the Oneness, the Divine. One of the practice’s main themes is forgiveness. Forgive yourself or someone else and raise your vibration. (I am really sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.)

Hug someone. The American Psychosomatic Society published a study saying that just 10 minutes of positive physical contact with another human being can greatly reduce stress and raise vibration. Just make sure it is with someone who has good energy as energy is contagious. The most comforting and nervous system soothing hug is one that is heart to heart facing each other and not a side arm hug as you are not really connecting with the other person, Glenda

Photo credit Jan Huber Unsplash

Crystal Toolbox Basics – Clear Quartz and Citrine

Crystals can be used in many ways and for various purposes. From spiritual connection to physical betterment, they can serve as helpers, guides, and healers. Polished crystals, stones, rocks, and seashells can be powerful aides, almost like a personal assistant. Most types of quartz crystals can even be used with essential oils to make sprays or elixirs, though you should be careful to avoid adding toxic crystals (e.g., malachite, azurite, etc.) to these preparations. There are thousands of minerals and crystals that you can turn to for your daily needs, we would like to start by sharing two must-haves for your basic collection or “toolbox”:

Clear Quartz: The Amplifier

Clear quartz is the master of all crystals: it can replicate the quality of any crystal when it is programmed to do so. It clears all the chakras, encourages harmonious relationships in a group environment, and promotes coherent thinking. You can get a sense of its energy-magnifying properties by placing a clear quartz crystal cluster in the middle of a room during a group healing session. You will find that it will amplify the energy of the group and all its directed energies. Clear quartz needs no cleansing and can be used with any essential oil combination.


The Positive Energy Giver and Negative Energy Transmuter

Citrine is a clear quartz with ferric impurities. Ferric refers to iron-containing particles, giving citrine a pale to deep yellow appearance, with brownish or greenish hues. Natural citrine always looks slightly cloudy or smoky; any varieties that appear to be completely clear are heat-treated amethyst. Citrines has a light, happy, “sunshiny” energy. It is incapable of holding negative energy and transmutes it. It is your ultimate abundance and prosperity enhancer. Citrine allows you to feel joy from your inner core and helps you to understand that true happiness lies within you, ready to be spread to others. Like clear quartz, it needs no cleansing.

Next month we shall continue with two more crystals for your toolbox, Amethyst and Carnelian.

This information and more is part of a 10 course Basics of Crystals curriculum taught by Alka. The classes can be taken individually or in the series, To inquire email :

Alka Kapoor

The Shaman in the City & The Crystal Matchmaker

Crying is a normal response to grief, pain, joy, anger, and even overwhelm among other emotions and situations. Crying is an amazingly effective way to release and process whatever we are going through in the moment. Sitting with someone who is upset is not always easy and a lot of us just don’t know what to do when the water works begin. A lot of people get immediately uncomfortable and can do some pretty unhelpful and downright damaging things in response. Here are some things that can help the person to feel supported and seen.

Stop and realize this is not about you in this moment. Take a breath and don’t react Do your best not to cry as this will absolutely cause the other person to feel bad that they upset you and now it is all about you and they can’t finish processing.

Do not shame them or tell them to stop crying.

Do not try fix the situation or offer any advice. They’re not coming to you to have anything be fixed. They just want support. Trying to immediately try to fix the situation can make the other person feel self-conscious and or wrong for feeling the way they do.

Do not immediately offer a tissue. This just draws attention away from them.

Do not make it about you in any way. This will make them feel unimportant, inconvenient, unheard, insignificant or even a nuisance and that you are more important than they are.

Do Sit with being uncomfortable. Just hold space for them. Holding space means doing nothing except sitting and being quietly supportive. It is not influencing them to hurry up or fix it (Yes this bears repeating).

Do sit quietly with them while they cry.

Do attempt to rub their back or hold their hand if they are comfortable with you doing that.

Do be supportive If anything say gently, “It’s ok. I’ve got you.”

Do let them get it all off their chest and vent or express whatever it is that they need to say.

Do be patient. Allow them all the time they need to get it all out of their system. By allowing them time to really process you are actually giving them a huge gift of grace and letting them feel fully supported, seen, and heard. - Kathy

Article Inspired by Carla Cheatham of Carla Cheatham Consulting Group.

Photo credit Unsplash Verena Yunita Yapi


Let’s face it, unfortunately in todays day and age there is sugar of some kind in just about anything.. For example why does there HAVE to be some sort of sugar in things like Marinara, Nut Butter, Fruit Juices, Apple Sauce, Salad Dressings, Bread.. I mean the list could literally go ON and ON! Which is why I am here to tell you a little bit today on why I DO NOT consume Stevia, Refined and Cane Sugar OR Artificial Sweeteners!


Years ago from about 2010-2015 I actually consumed Stevia daily mainly in my lemon water or green tea, and it wasn’t until I had heard about some research that had been done on the sweetener I decided to stop consuming it. Stevia comes from the plant Rebaudiana and is naturally sweet and has been used for many different things in Japan and South America for centuries. However; The Stevia that you see on the shelves today by many different companies such as: Truvia, SweetLeaf, ect. are EXTREMELY processed and NOT what has been used for centuries in these different countries! The Liquid and White Powder Stevia that most people consume in the US actually has very little percentage of Stevia in it because it has been SO processed, and not only that there can also be other things added into these Liquids and Powders as well which in some cases can be toxic to the liver. Not to mention the effects all of these things can have on the body are not very good. For example: Stevia can have an effect on your metabolism, it can effect your digestive system, some studies have shown that it can have an effect on your reproductive system as well. The Stevia that has been used for centuries in countries like South Africa and Japan is actually Green Leaf Stevia which is literally green and very minimally processed.

Now, back in 2015 when I discovered all of the research that was surfacing on these Stevia products I decided that I was going to eliminate it from my diet, so that’s exactly what I did. I cut it out completely, cold turkey, and let me tell you friends my body literally went through withdrawals!! YES, WITHDRAWALS from STEVIA! I noticed after not adding it to my lemon water or green tea my body was actually LESS thirsty and for the first 3-5 days my body was craving sugar or something sweet! So, if that doesn’t tell you something right there then I don’t know what does!


Refined Sugar and Cane Sugar are typically extracted from from Sugar Canes or Sugar Beets. However, there are other sources such as Corn which is how Corn Syrup is made. The main difference between Refined Sugar and Cane Sugar is Refined Sugar is extremely processed which is not the best thing for the body to consume. Cane Sugar on the other hand is less processed than Refined, however consuming too much Refined Sugar OR Cane Sugar can potentially lead to things such as high blood sugar, diabetes, etc. however, one of the biggest things consuming too much Refined/Cane Sugar can do is cause Inflammation in the body, and where there is inflammation, disease and other things can thrive.

Now, I get eliminating Refined Sugars and Cane Sugar completely from your diet definitely takes dedication. I have done it for about 8 years now and you definitely have to choose to be mindful of what you’re putting in your body, so I will say it is totally possible. If you are going to continue to consume either of these Sugars, as your Health Coach I would at least encourage you to consume ORGANIC Cane Sugar because it isn’t refined or as processed and is free of the harmful chemicals that can be used on Conventional Plants which is at least a little bit better for you!


Honestly, any artificial sweetener such as: Splenda, Aspartame, Sweet n’ Low, Sucralose, etc. can have many not so great effects on the body as well. Honestly some of them are very similar to the ones listed above with Stevia. One of the biggest things with artificial sweeteners is, when consumed your actually “tricking” the body because the body does not recognize it as sugar so your body will not release the hormones, enzymes, ect. to help your body process and/or breakdown whatever you are consuming which could actually do more harm than good.

So, to sum everything up as your Health Coach, I personally DO NOT consume nor do I recommend consuming Stevia, Refined Sugar, Cane Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners. I believe there are much better options for you and your body when you would like to add sweetness to a drink or recipe that are MUCH better for you! Some of these things include Coconut Palm Sugar or Honey. My favorite Brands of Coconut Palm Sugar are Navitas Organics and Madhāva Foods, they can be found in a Health Food Store such as Whole Foods or online at Vitacost which is my personal favorite place to purchase either of them. I recently posted on my Instagram about Coconut Palm Sugar and why I use it, definitely go check that out and give it a read if you have not already! All in all, feed your body REAL, WHOLESOME, CLEAN food! Your body will thank you believe me!

I hope this is helpful for you, friends! If all of this is new to you and your tired of spinning your wheels while trying to reach your health and wellness goals and figure out what the best thing is for you to create amazing results that are sustainable YOU are in the right place babe! Head over to my CONTACT PAGE and fill our the

C o n t a c t F o r m for my 1:1 Health and Wellness Coaching Program at and Believe me, you will be SO Happy you did!

As always, be well + bloom! 💕



Ask the experts.

Anonymous submissions:

Question: What do I do with my leftovers from rituals? Is there a way to properly dispose of them once they’ve done their job?

Answer: Say thank you to any deities or energies you called in to work with you or on your behalf. Gratitude goes a long way. Next thank the items you used especially if they are disposable, and ask that all magick or manifestation energy be lovingly released from the items you plan on disposing of. Depending upon the working you can dispose of in running water such as a river, stream, or ocean as long as it is biodegradable and will have zero environmental impact. You are also able to bury biodegradable items or crystals that have done heavy lifting. Glass and metal can be recycled. If this was defensive or protective and you feel any item might have picked up negative energy allow the items to sit in salt for several days before disposing of the items and the salt off property as you don’t want to release anything negative the items may have absorbed on your behalf.

Question: I keep getting hit with spells, curses, and general negative energy and I am tired of fighting. How do I protect myself so I can have some peace?

Answer: This is unfortunately a complex situation and a complex answer. The first thing would be to put the person in the freezer to freeze the energy in place and blocks the energy coming from them. If you don’t know or there are many people then wearing evil eye jewelry helps. Keep nuummite in your pocket. Nuummite is a crystal that sends back the energy sent. Keep a return to sender candle burning 24/7 until the attacks stop. Clear your house daily and take salt baths. Be diligent and persistent. Most people will usually give up if they have to put extra work into harassing you.

Kitchen Witchery

One of my most memorable moments growing up was watching Elvira: Mistress of the Dark. The scene where she made a potluck goulash, I loved how she created magic with food. I went outside after watching this movie and made all sorts of magical concoctions in my play kitchen. As I grew up I was inspired by books and movies that, again, used food in magical ways. Books and movies like Witches, Like Water for Chocolate, Alice in Wonderland, The Peanut butter Solution, Chocolate, and Woman on Top just to name a few. They inspired me and showed me the magic of cooking.

What makes comfort food “comfort”? Why does your mother’s or grandmother’s recipe never taste the same as yours? Have you made something you didn’t like and it turn out horrible? Have you rushed through something because you needed to get it done and it didn’t meet expectations? What’s your go to meal when you feel sick, heart broken, or happy?

Each ingredient we use in our food and spellwork has specific associations with specific deities and mystical beings, healing aspects, chakras, and deficiencies in our bodies. The intention behind your work is just as important. The more you learn about what you put into your body, or around it, the more you can get from each ingredient you use.

With that said, I will give you a recipe for a meal and list their metaphysical properties.


Ground meat (or vegan meat)

Strength and a source of power. Was thought to be God like to eat meat. The intention of why you’re eating meat is important. Root Chakra. If your belief is not to eat meat due to the act of killing, blocking energy, or the absorption of a beings essence then use your choice of meat alternative.

Chili powder

Fiery, releases blockages and moves stagnant energy. Root chakra. Helps with blood circulation. Deities Mars and Shango (war and passion).

Garlic powder

Warding and detox. Root chakra. Reduces inflammation, boosts immune and helps with high blood pressure. Hecate.

Onion powder

Protection, Divine healing. Root chakra. Fights inflammation and cholesterol. Goddess Aine.

Black pepper

Courage and protection. Root chakra. Detoxing, vitamin absorption, promotes digestion. Hermod, Lofn, and Loki


Protection and fidelity of relationships. Good for love spells. Solar plexus. Promotes digestion, immune system and circulation. Crepitus, Ares, and Mars.


Fertility, prosperity, spiritual connection. Sacral chakra. Helps with inflammation, antioxidant, and detox liver. Haridra, or Kanchani

Tortillas: corn

Growth and transformation. Solar plexus. Vitamin C, protects cells from damage. Cinteotl and Xilonen



Charity, protection, love and sleep. Heart Chakra. Min.


Success, transformation, endurance, fertility and used for divination. Solar plexus. Pan, Silvanus, Faunus, Bacchus, Dionysis, Artemis, Marduk.


Love, protection, prosperity. Root chakra. Venus, Aphrodite, Hera.


Protection, fertility, passion. Root chakra. Aine.

Intention to set while cooking:

To ground and heal the person eating this. Protect them from any evil eye or insecurities in their life and relationships. Bring abundance and good luck to them and success in their manifestations.


Serves 4 people

1 lbs Ground meat (or meat alternative)

1 tbs Chili powder

1 tbs Garlic powder

1 tbs Onion powder

1/2 tsp Black pepper

1/2 tsp Cumin

1/2 tsp Turmeric

1 package of white corn tortillas

1/4 head Lettuce, sliced

1 Tomato, diced

1/2 Onion, diced

8 oz Cheese, shredded

Cook and drain the meat. In a separate bowl, add all the dry ingredients. Stir them together until they are evenly blended. Fold in the mixture to the meat until all the meat is coated with seasoning. Warm up the corn tortillas on a hot skillet until they are playable. Place a spoonful of meat on the cooked tortilla and topped with your choice of toppings. Enjoy. Susie

October 2022

The Divine Path LLC

November 2022

The Divine Path LLC

What’s new?

Stacy Preece is now taking appointments in person at our office and remotely through Zoom or phone. She has hour and half hour sessions. We are so happy to have her back in action!

Alka Kapoor will now be available on Wednesday evenings at the office and on Zoom for sessions.

Glenda Emory is in the office the first Saturday of every month for in person sessions.

Seasonal Services:

The Weekly Healing For The Holidays is coming back from November 23rd-January 4th for the 4th year in a row.

Upcoming In Person Classes:

In person at 900 Old Roswell Lakes Pkwy Suite 300 Roswell Ga 30052 Manifesting Beyond The Law of Attraction November 10th 7:30-9:30 by Glenda Emory. You may also register through

Zoom Classes:

Manifesting Beyond The Law of Attraction November 17th 1pm- 3pm est.

Beginner Smudging November 17th 7pm-9pm est

Advanced Clearing Certification Class (Beginner class not necessary to participate.) December 17th and 18th 11am-3pm est both days

Holiday Special:

Purchase a 3 session package with Glenda Emory and receive a free session to use yourself or give as a gift. Special Runs the November 23rd-December 31st.

5 Easy Ways to eat mindfully around the holidays!

With the holidays being just around the corner I wanted to give you some easy tips on how to stay on track even during the wonderful holiday season!

Lets face it, some people can get way off track during the holidays which typically starts with overindulging with all the delicious yummy food. When this happens a lot of people can get discouraged and down on themselves which then leads to negative self talk (which we all know doesn’t lead to anything good) and then people sometimes just don’t know how to get back on track. Well, I am here to tell you today girlfriend, it does not have to be that way babe!

The Holidays are meant to be a special, sweet and sentimental time of year and yes that includes eating all of the yummy foods you enjoy! So, I am here to give you 5 super easy ways to stay mindful and still enjoy the holidays including the yummy delicious food!

1. Pay attention to your portions! Yes I know the food is delicious and you want to eat it and that is totally okay! Just don’t go over board on how much you put on your plate! Be mindful of that!

2. Stay in check with your fullness cues! I know sometimes the food is just so so yummy and delicious you can get carried away and not even know when you’re actually full because it all taste wonderful! So, make a commitment to yourself to stay in check with fullness! If your fullness cues start to tap you on the shoulder, then put your utensils down and wait about 15-20 minutes and see how you feel after that!

3. Eat slowly friend!! Put your fork down between every bite if you can, and actually chew your food!! This will help you stay in check with your fullness cues + it will help you digest your food more efficiently as well!

4. Stay aware and mindful of how many finger foods you are consuming! Finger foods and Appetizers can be very easy to overindulge on because most of the time you don’t have a plate and you’re just walking by and grabbing a few here and there. Just keep in mind those little grabs over time can start to add up, so stay aware of how many and how much you’re consuming.

5. Drink your water!! As you all know from my very first Blog Post, I am a huge believer and advocate on Drinking Your Water every single day!! so, keep this in mind during the holidays as well! Especially if you’re eating things you don’t typically eat such as Gluten, Diary, Corn, etc. Make sure you’re getting your water in! It will help your body digest your food better and it will also help your body to flush after eating all the delicious food!

So, bottom line is you totally can enjoy all of the delicious Holiday Foods + be mindful at the same time! As a Wellness Coach and Fitness Trainer I want you to enjoy the Holiday Season with your family and friends and enjoy all of that delicious food that you probably only eat once or twice a year! But, I also want you to be mindful and stay in check with your body! ✨

Bloom well friends!


Keep Blooming,

Madison Loughmiller

Simmer Pot Manifesting & Clearing

This method is actually really fun and stealthy if you don’t want family members to know and judge what you are doing. This is exceptionally versatile and you are only limited by the ingredients you have on hand and your imagination. You can use this to not only help your house smell divine, but to control the energy coming into your house from relatives who may not have the best energy.

Gather ingredients together. You may use the herbs listed below or use what you feel guided to. A book about the properties of herbs would be hugely beneficial.

Get a pot and lid.

Place ingredients in the pot and cover with water.

Speak your desires into the water. You may also write them on the bay leaves.

Cover and bring to a boil.

Lower heat, remove the lid, and simmer as long as you feel like it. This will make the whole house smell divine.

Once you feel you have simmered long enough let your mixture cool completely.

Strain into a spray bottle or bowl. Say a prayer of thanks to the ingredients and spread outside to let nature reclaim. If you have nowhere to do this then throw away in the trash with thanks and gratitude.

Use liquid to spray your alter (if you have one) daily until liquid is gone. Be aware that this is just like tea and will ferment or mold so this won’t last long. You can refrigerate for several days, but if it starts molding or getting floaters in the bottle throw it our.

You may also add liquid to a cleansing bath and soak in it while you meditate. Be careful that all ingredients are skin safe especially for delicate feminine areas. The addition of candles and crystals that correspond to what you are manifesting is an amazing experience.

Depending upon the ingredients you could also allow your guests to drink it as a tea. A very tasty calming tea is, white loose leaf tea leaves, hibiscus, mint or cinnamon, lavender flower, orange slices, and cranberries.

This simmer pot is for clearing negative energy especially spells. It includes clove, cinnamon, cranberries, oranges, lemons, bay leaves, star anise, and spruce tips. Image curtesy of - Glenda

Crystal Toolbox Basics – Rose Quartz and Amethyst

In this second edition of Crystal Toolbox basics, we will discuss two more crystals in the quartz family that are important for your starter toolbox:

1 )Rose Quartz: the stone of SELF

Most people consider Rose Quartz to be the ultimate love stone or bringer of love. So it is, but even more than that, it is a stone of and for the heart: the teacher of self, the heart healer, the heart protector, and the relationship nurturer. The first thing Rose Quartz does is to give you an awareness of the self. Its essential aim is to teach you “Here I AM. This is who I AM.”

Rose’s energy is very light, very subtle, and gentle. You will not feel any major shakes with rose, but over time, her energy will seep into your very being and will always stay there. Interacting with Rose is like interacting with a warm, gentle, trusting, and non-judgmental friend. Everyone wants one, yet sometimes you can’t believe they are for real. Because of this, some people do not resonate with Rose. You must trust her, and only then will she start to work with and for you. It’s always a two-way relationship- it is first about the relationship with yourself, then with her and all others.

Beauty Tip: Add a piece of rose quartz to your moisturizer and your facial cleanser.

2)Amethyst: the protector and clarity giver

Amethyst is the Protector. It protects you, your mind space, and your subconscious. By providing clarity of thought, it clears the mind of useless information, to-do lists, and clutter, thereby giving you focus and direction. It is very good for concussion sufferers and people who are confused. If you feel that you have “lost” your mind, amethyst will help you find it.

I sat with Amethyst to write this, when my mind was very out of focus, distracted by every little sound and thought. I held one piece of amethyst in my hand, used two amethyst wands to direct energy to my belly, and closed my eyes. Very soon, I found myself in tune with the materials at hand- my mind was clear, and my thoughts were completely organized and ready to be committed to paper.

Insomnia Assistance: Calms you enough to eliminate “monkey mind” and induces sleep. Some can be energized by Amethyst so test out amethyst and see how you feel. Try it for a few nights.

Helper: Brings the soul back to the body from journeying and deep dream states, reminding us that we have someplace to come back to, to be grounded in.

This information (and much more) is part of a 10 course Basics of Crystals curriculum taught by Alka. The classes can be taken individually or as a series. To inquire, please email:

Disclaimer: Crystals are an energetic aid and not meant to replace medical treatment or prescription meditation.

Alka Kapoor

The Shaman in the City & The Crystal Matchmakers

Purchase crystals at:

Coconut Macaroons

Easier than you think

14 oz bag sweetened shredded coconut

14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

One small shake cayenne pepper

2 egg whites (room temperature)

¼ teaspoon kosher salt


Preheat oven to 325 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper In large mixing bowl combine coconut, condensed milk, vanilla, and cayenne.

In separate bowl whip together the egg whites and salt to firm peaks.

Fold egg whites into coconut mixture.

Drop 1 inch balls of mixture on baking sheet and bake approximately 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and enjoy!

Love Stacy

Quick witchy tips for manifesting money

Who wouldn’t mind a little extra cash on hand? Here are some simple ways to help with that. These tips are for every level of experience and are discrete enough most people won’t notice. These are great “Set-‘em and forget-’em” things where very minimal effort is needed, kind of like using a crock pot.

Before you do any of these, remember that money is energetic and mirrors your energy. If you have trauma with money then you should do some healing regarding this as it will help with bringing in abundance.

When doing these witchy tips try to stay in the mindset of “abundance is already here” vs “not having enough”. Always ground, clear and protect before any ritual. Remember to ask Spirit and your team for help to bring in the abundance and thank them afterwards. When you can, share the wealth that was brought in, it never hurts to share when it’s done from a place of love and light.

1. Onion skins.

For some reason most people aren’t too eager to chop onions. This tip will make you look forward to your next onion time. Take the onions you plan on using and peel away the dry flaky skin. Place these skins in a fire resistant pot. Go outside and burn the skins to ash. Blow the ashes into the air. You can even say “Ashes as I set free, bring abundance unto me”.

2. Cinnamon

There are many ways to use cinnamon for abundance. This is one example. Pour a little cinnamon and salt on your hands and rub together. Rub all over both hands and rinse under water. Best times to do this are: a new moon, during the winter months, Wednesdays, and the first of the month.

3. Tarot cards

Want to make sure you always have enough money? Carry the 9 of pentacles in your purse or wallet. You can carry the Ace of pentacles to help create new wealth as well. The tarot cards don’t have to be expensive, I use a deck I bought from the discount store. I also use tarot stickers for journaling.

4. Money Pots

We all have a dumping spot for our loose change. This is simply that! Instead of keeping all your coins together, separate them from silver and “copper”, pennies. (Fun fact, the nickel actually has the highest copper content of all the coins.) Place your silver coins in a gold container, or something that’s gold metallic. You can place this in an East facing window, the far left corner of your home or along side your altar. Make sure to roll your coins as soon as the container fills up as to invite in more abundance.

5. Cover it up!

Make sure you put the lid of your toilet seat down. It is a believed thought that if you leave your toilet seat lid up, your money will go down the drain. This is also a good habit to get into if you have animals and little kids.

Abundance looks different to everyone especially when it comes to abundance in money. Whether you are destined to win a jackpot, receive a large inheritance, have enough to pay rent or for your fun extras is determined by the path you chose. Keep an open mind and an opened heart that is ready to receive. I’d love to hear how these these tips have helped you or how they’ve surprised you.

- Susie Rodriquez

Question: What is an attachment and why do we get them?

Answer: Attachments are energetic parasites that, just like normal bugs, are around us all the time even if we don’t see or feel them. Their main purpose is to absorb or feed off the energy of living beings. Some intend to cause pain and chaos because that is what they prefer to feed off of. Most don’t intend harm just like the flea that bites you isn’t interested in harming you. It just wants to survive.

Getting an attachment is something that everyone is susceptible to picking them up. Some more so than others. You can pick up an attachment just walking through the grocery store or talking on the phone with someone. If you have weak energetic boundaries, chronically ill or in pain, have an active addiction, or go places that have paranormal activity you will have attachments more often. Having an attachment doesn’t mean you are dirty or a bad person. Every single human on the face of the Earth can pick one up. Good energetic boundaries and good energetic hygiene is key to dealing with them long term.

Question: Does the quality of an ingredient affect the potency of a spell?

Answer: While we should use quality ingredients out of respect for the beings who work with us when we are doing spell work, ultimately it is your respect and intention that makes a massive difference. Using what you have on hand is a very old and important part of the practice. Going into debt just to boost your work is not necessary. The beings who help us love us anyway and know what is in our heart.

Question: Is this time of year the best for spells, potion creation, and magical work?

Answer: Absolutely!!! There are lots of times during the year that have incredible energy that helps boost our work, but this time of year is full of cosmic events that give us access to much more powerful energy than any other time of the year.