Testimonials For Glenda

I have come to Glenda ready to completely quit life. I didn't want to participate any longer and was only focused on the separation of my twin flame and I. With Glenda's help I have over come my codependency, anxious attachment, trauma bonding, and have begun to really like me and who I am. With her help I have learned to not take what my twin does personally and look at the energetic reason behind why he comes and goes in my life right now. Since I have learned to hold space for him and not push or grab at him energetically we have more connection and more physical interaction instead of loooooong stretches of silence. We now communicate almost daily and he is accepting of our unique connection even if he’s not ready for union just yet. I am eternally grateful for Glenda an the amazing work she does. I feel I am the person I am supposed to be. I am happy and fulfilled on my own now. T. Dubois Netherlands

Testimonials for Stacy

Amazing amazing AMAZING person. She has helped me see so many trials in my life and bring them into outstand and realistic perspective. I have accomplished and overcome major obstacles with the knowledge and wisdom she has given me. I HIGHLY recommend her to everybody. She knows what she is doing, and, in my opinion, is one of the best our there. Caring heart, realistic perspective and attitude. What more could you ask for?!? Wonderful wonderful person and guide. Nick

Glenda totally changed my life. I came to her at my lowest point where I was honestly thinking about ending it as I felt I had no other option. I was trying to live sober, but the cravings were kicking my ass from the time I woke up until I went to bed and even in my dreams some times. I was also having really terrifying paranormal activity in my home and moments that I felt I was not the one in control of me. I felt possessed at times. Glenda identified my issue right away as a partial possession that was an ancestral demon. She recommended an on site clearing of me and the house at the same time to prevent anything from jumping ship and then coming back after she left. She fought this thing for a good hour and I honestly had visions of killing her, but she never backed down. She never gave in and gave me the strength to keep fighting. Once I was clear she cleared the house. I was exhausted and went to bed around 4pm. It didn’t dawn on me that I had a peaceful sleep and I didn’t realize until late the next day that I had zero cravings. None. I was completely stunned. I had not been without cravings for the last 6 months. I kept waiting for them to come back, but they never have. I went on to work with Glenda to get to the root of my traumas and why I was drinking to excess all the time and why I could not get sober for longer than a few days. I have now been sober for 3 years. I have Glenda to thank for giving me my freedom from pain and misery. I had tried everything to have relief. No one helped like Glenda did. She was non-judgmental and super compassionate, but would not let me make excuses and wouldn’t let me quit. I owe my life to her and will always work with her when I need an energetic tune up. **Danielle P Georgia USA

Stacy and I connected June 2017. We talked about my previous experiences with intuitive/clairvoyant related abilities I had as a child/teenager and how I needed/wanted to reconnect with that part of myself I had been suppressing for 15+ years. I had Stacy run my numerology report and guide me into areas of getting my body/mind/soul reconnected and back on track to my life purpose.

I am still a work in progress. It’s all starting off beautifully!!! I am forever grateful to Stacy and what she is helping me to accomplish. Thank you so much Stacy for everything you do. Chelsea

There was a point in my life when I was in a situation that was causing anxiety, insecurities in my choices and choosing repetitive habits that were not in my best interest. Glenda’s gifts and knowledge helped me to make a an incredibly difficult life changing decision with confidence and peace. I continued to see Glenda for a package of healing sessions. I noticed a difference immediately resulting in feeling balanced with less anxiety, the important relationships in my life became stronger, my unhealthy repetitive habits disappeared, and my ancestral history of abuse and addiction were cleared. I also have felt a stronger presence of the Angels that are by my side daily. You will never be disappointed in any of the services that Glenda offers. She is a truly very talented and will change your life for the better. **MD Georgia USA**

Stacy….I think I tell everyone about Stacy! Her kindness and her intuition are spot on. She’s remarkable at what she does. I have been hurting on levels I don’t understand, and Stacy made sense of those things. She’s truly a spiritually gifted genius whom I am beyond grateful for! I trust her more than people I’ve known since birth. Grateful she is in my life, I truly am! Mary

Amazing!! On point, no nonsense help when you need it. Stacy is the best at what she does and everyone loves her! Cali

Stacy is remarkably gifted. I was recommended through a mutual friend and I am so grateful we crossed paths. The information she provided was incredibly insightful and she has already assisted me in tremendous ways. I look forward to working with her even more. Lauren

Stacy is a wealth of knowledge. Her upbeat personality will not only uplift your spirit, but will enrich your soul. She has great energy and can lead you to a healthy, positive life path, both inside and out. Kristin

Stacy has helped me through difficult times and understands things about myself that I had not previously known. She is in tune with multidimensional energies and is a wonderful person. Mark

I could write a book filled with praise for Ms. Glenda. She has helped me get to the root of why I was stuck on repeat in my life. She easily pinpointed the when and why, helped me release it and gave me exercises after to help me further go deeper within myself. I am astounded at the difference one session made. I will definitely see her again and again. Anne Georgia

Glenda is the queen of weird. I don’t mean that as an insult. She listed to my incredibly weird situation with no judgement and without interrupting me. She sat patiently as I got my whole ass story out and I fully expected her to laugh or call me insane and in need of medication. Not only was she nonjudgmental and compassionate she understood exactly what I was experiencing and had a solution to help me when no one else would. One session and she fixed what no one else could for 20 years. I wish I had found her sooner and have referred all of my friends and family. We love her and all have had similar experiences with her. She is knowledgeable, compassionate, and spot on with what she sees. I can’t thank her enough. Angel Georgia

My past is really traumatic and I have done awful things running from that pain. Glenda didn’t shame or judge me and actually pointed out the why I did the things I did. Once the connections were made she helped me dig really deep to the most wounded parts of myself. The parts I hated and was ashamed of. I now love myself. I am sober, no more relapses. I have a life now that I love. I am continuing to grow and use the tools Glenda taught me. I can not say enough about her loving, unconditional, support and her honesty. She is the real deal. Connie Massachusetts

Stacy is amazing! Her gifts are incredible and I am so glad she has chosen to share them with the world. Stacy was able to tell me things no one else knew. I would absolutely recommend Stacy to everyone. Kelly

I could NOT have asked for or expected a better more accurate experience. Ariane

Glenda was brought in when my go to healer could not help us with the problem we were having. My daughter was 2 at the time and was experiencing night terrors every night for months. None of us were getting any sleep and it was beginning to affect everyone’s health and mood. We had paranormal activity all the time from noises to shadows and even objects being moved. My husband and I were at each other’s throats all the time and were considering separating even though I was 3 months pregnant at the time because he would get angry and violent for no reason and I was scared of him for the first time in our 11 years together. Glenda diagnosed us as having a demon and told us where it had come from and gave us a choice of on site or remote clearing to remedy the situation for us. Because of finances we chose remote and were seriously afraid she wouldn’t be able to do anything without being on our property, but we were completely blown away by how effective she was at getting rid of our problem, but she traced the energy to sever other homes who had children around us and cleared all of the connections to keep this thing from coming back. All of the paranormal activity was gone. Our daughter slept through the night for the first time in months and my husband returned to his normal loving self. All in one clearing. Glenda is compassionate, non-judgmental, and extremely effective with anything dark or nasty. I am so relieved and can never thank her enough for saving my family. **Lauren F South Carolina USA**

I am a practitioner in the healing arts and I refer clients to Glenda that are dealing with dark energies / entities. Spring of 2019 she helped me with a particularly complex case and I am so grateful that she was available when I called. She was gracious and went into action and I cannot possibly thank her enough.

Since then I can easily pick up when clients are dealing with heavy attachments and dark energies and I refer them directly to Glenda. I receive great feedback from clients that call her for these types of clearings. She is no nonsense and spot-on and gets the job done! Thanks for being a brave and courageous healer Glenda. ** Deb Georgia USA**

Glenda is the healers healer. I am a professional healer and psychic and I don’t trust just anyone with my energy. Glenda is ethical and respectful of my boundaries. She is very serious about energy hygiene and is no nonsense. I appreciate her blunt but compassionate approach. She even had to tell me to stop trying to be the healer in the session and to just receive. I really needed to hear that. She is amazingly accurate psychically and sees connections that others don’t. I now refer all my weird and difficult cases to her and my clients absolutely love her. We make a great team. Ellen Maine USA

I can’t say enough about Glenda. She was the miracle we had been praying for. I had been to see many many healers, shaman, psychics, doctors, and a psychotherapist who told me I needed medication and all the problems I was having were in my head. I was having weird feelings in by body that felt heavy and pins and needles every day. If I tried to clear my house I would get horrible pain in my head and have to stop. I had feelings of being watched at night and sensations of being touched whenever I would try to sleep. I would even wake up to my bed shaking violently, but no one believed me until I met Glenda. Not only did she believe me, she told me why I was experiencing all of this and where it was coming from, but she actually did something about it. She cleared me and my house from a dark fairy and devised a long term solution so I knew how to keep this from happening again and if it did I knew how to remedy it. To say Glenda specializes in weird stuff is to put it lightly. I will never forget her and her willingness to help me when no one else would. **Grace T Japan******

We had a young pioneer woman ghost here at the house (and a beautiful little boy ghost that showed himself to me in white shorts shirt and socks and a Dutch blue cap). They were playful, gentle and very loving spirits that did helpful things for us --like scare off the burglars from our house.

I did my best to try and help the young woman spirit move on but she believed she was trapped here on crossed energetic lines. She had experienced a very difficult life and tragic murder--leaving her afraid to move on (to where she feared her abuser might be.) So, "who ya gonna call?" Glenda was referred to me by a group of people I know for unusual cases. And she did know what to do. She knew to use copper pipes to break the crossed ley lines on the property to set our beloved spirits free--and she knew how to place the rods and hold open the space. What a blessing of love and angels it was to see them jump down into the portal Glenda drew open for them. It was such a peaceful feeling.

The land around us had seen some very difficult times--much Native American suffering and injustice. In the freeing of our pioneer woman and little boy spirits, Glenda was able to help a very large group of Native Americans jump into the light. The old chief who perished with his people, stopped after they crossed --hugged and thanked her for opening the space for them.

It's hard to explain what the energy of that felt like. There were tears in my eyes. There were angels present and there was just so much love waiting for these souls.

So, now, with Glenda's service, the spirits that shared our time here have been freed as we are preparing to move ourselves. I have put a shell of protective love around our home all to finish this miracle and feel so much at peace every day--and so happy for the woman and boy in particular. What a blessing it is to know people like Glenda who can work such a wondrous blessing --and for me to experience the love of the angels in this process. What a blessing it is that there are people who can free lost souls and exorcise the really dark ones. What a blessing it is to help someone--even when that someone is a ghost.

If you ever find yourself in need of a Medium who can do specialized (and "ordinary") energetic cleansings of a home, Call in the angels and call Glenda! Blessings on your journey, one and all. **Ann F Missouri USA**

I found Glenda on Google after another of my mares died along with her baby. I had lost many in a row and had no live births in over a year when I finally figured something was wrong beyond physical stuff. I called and Glenda knew exactly what needed to be done. Once she got here she cleared the creepy man out of my house that always stood in my bedroom at night. Then she checked on my animals and in doing so got a vision of a giant wolf spirit that was put here by Native Americans to protect the land. What is crazy is my horses had been acting like a predator was around, but I never told her that. She just knew. She cleared the land and connected with the wolf spirit and told him thank you for his service, but his people had long since moved on and he could be released. He told her he did not trust us to care for the land after he was gone. She offered to have us plant a fruit tree and care for it for a year and a day to prove our dedication to the land and the creatures that live here. He agreed as long as we cared for the tree and that we never ate from it, but left the fruit for all the animals to eat.

I am so grateful that Glenda came. I have not lost one more mare since she came and have had successful pregnancies and healthy babies. The creepy guy is not here anymore either. Love her. I highly recommend her. **Shannon A Georgia USA**

I am an addict and have been most of my adult life. I tried without success to get clean using AA. I had relapsed more times than I can count, but it wasn’t until I met Glenda that my world finally changed for the better. I happen to meet her at a local Psychic Fair and when she looked at me she said I would not get clean until the attachment I had was gone. That it was blocking everything good in my life and keeping me in pain. As I am sitting there feeling overwhelmed I could feel something dig into my shoulder blades and felt a heavy pressure on my shoulders as if a big bird was sitting on me with its claws digging into my shoulders. She said this was an ancestral demon that had effected all the women on my family and she was right. I can trace back addiction and abuse as far back as my family has documentation. Needless to say I booked an appointment that minute.

Upon seeing Glenda she cleared my home and me of the attachment. That was a dramatic session to say the least and the relief I felt when it was gone brought me to tears. I was exhausted and went to bed after she left and slept peacefully until the next morning. It took me about 40 minutes to realize I was not fighting myself and my cravings. I had no craving for alcohol. I was amazed and waited all day for it to come, but it didn’t. I was FREE!!!! I still continue to work my program, Glenda’s suggestion), but also scheduled another session where we did an ancestral healing to keep this from passing on to my daughter.

Seeing Glenda changed my life in an amazingly short amount of time. She is an angel sent to walk the earth rescuing us poor lost souls and putting us back on the path we were meant to be on. She is a God send and is worth way more than she charges. I highly recommend her. She is honest, compassionate, knowledgeable, and all around bad ass when dealing with demons. I am forever grateful.** Denise Georgia USA

My whole family sees Glenda. It started with my mom going to see her about a family curse. Glenda not only cleared it, but connected my mom with my dad who had passed years before who had messages for all of us. We listened to the recording of the session and Glenda was so accurate in what she told us. She has really changed our whole family. We all have better lives and are a lot closer because of her. I am forever grateful. Maxine Georgia

Testimonials for Susie

Susie is absolutely amazing. She’s a fabulously talented artist, but she is also an amazing psychic, medium, and healer. She is spot on with what she sees and delivers the message with compassion and no fluff. Lavern